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new to the forum, asking for help

turbo dad

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I am new to to all this, so parden my ignorance. As the name says I am a turbo dad, my son has a 1990 turbo Grand Prix, and we are trying to get it back on it's feet. He has a 1995 and just sold a 1993 G/P, so he is familer with the w-body cars. Myself, I guess I am still old school, with my 1972 Hurst SSJ, but that ok with me.


I have a question for anyone who may have an idea. The turbo car, has been running Ok, with not much problems until a few months ago. For some reason, after start up, and after a few miles it starts laying out a white cloud of smoke that will rid the earth of every misquito alive. My son's other cars the 1993 & the 1995 both have shared the blown intake gasket and head gasket, thing with him but neither of them layed out the white smoke that the turbo does. We think it may have a bad oil seal in the turbo and after it gets hot, it starts sucking oil into the exhaust.


Is this something common to the turbo unit? if it is, will a rebuild to the turbo correct it? Where can we get the correct rebuild kit for the turbo. I believe it to be a t-25 Garrett. What type of seal does it use, Dynamic or Carbon.



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First off, welcome to the forum!


White exhaust smoke wouldn't be smoke from the turbo. When you are getting smoke from the turbo, oil is getting pushed past the turbo oil seals, and when the oil gets burnt and thrown out the exhaust, it makes a bluish smoke.

What does the exhaust smell like? Does is smell strongly of gas? It sounds to me like your fuel injectors are on their way out (mine were the same way, I had raw fuel dripping out my exhaust lol) To fix this, I replaced all 6 of my injectors with Ford C302 Yellow Top fuel injectors, which flow very close to the stock injectors and work excellent.



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A couple suggestions.


1) TGP Nick stated it first about the injectors...if it is indeed an injector issue, the website is http://www.five0motorsports.com (that's five ZERO, not "oh").


2) I had this problem with my car and for me it was the turbo. My turbo was altogether shot, with the wheels rubbing on the housing. Rebuild kits are available at http://www.gpopshop.com or ebay. I had my turbo rebuilt by the people at GPopShop, and they are very fast, friendly, and honest. You can purchase a full rebuild done by them OR the kit itself. I recommend the kit for do it yourselfers.


As I mentioned, I had the same smoking problem. At first I passed it off as it just being the cold weather, but I had a noticeable burnt oil smell and green/greyish gunk coming out of my tailpipes. Also, there was noticeable shaft play on the turbo. I believe another culprit could be the oil return line...anyone else care to verify this? I replaced the turbo, the return line, and the injectors - all at seperate times. Is your car not boosting correctly or running terrible? Not sure about the seal, but the stock turbo IS a Garrett T-25. Hope you can get some use out the info! Welcome! And post your pictures of your sons Turbo Prix!

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X2, on the oil return line, its a gravity feed line and over time the line collapses on itself, and it starts building pressure inside the turbo and forces oil out the seals, mainly the exhaust side first, but it can force it out the intake side as well.

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Welcome to the forum (from another old schooler). I can't offer you any advice as I've never had a turbo anything, but I know there is lots of terrific advice to be had here, plus a lot of cool guys and gals, and some good laughs too!

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Thanks for the warm welcome.


We will look into the oil return line closer. My son mentioned something about it maybe being clogged up.

I am sure it was white smoke not bluish but having the oil smell. he thought it may be leaking out the oil seal from the turbo on the intake side, because he was noticing a slight oil substance getting into the throttle body, so we unhooked the tube from the intercooler to the throttle body, put on a paper filter to catch anything [oil] coming out of that tube and just let it run , turbo blowing on the ground, engine running without turbo assist. No oil on the paper filter, and still smooked like a freight train.


Is that return oil line under pressure, or is it gravity feed back to the pan ?

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