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Worst birthday ever...

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Before I say anything I must tell you this...


Don't even think about asking for parts! I'm still in shock over this and don't even know how to feel yet.


Remember this car?




Pretty nice, huh? That was my baby. I have put too many hours and new parts into her to even remember. Well, she has a new look. I got a call Tues. (my b-day), while I was in New York, and this is what the call was about...


70 or 80 m.p.h. and 3 trees later...






It's totalled. The body itself is bent and twisted. The drivers door wont open and the pass. door doesn't even come close to fitting right. I'll get some pics of under the hood later and post them. It does start even though the motor is sitting about 5" lower than it should on the pass. side.

Like I said I don't even know how to feel about this yet. I'm upset and pissed that it happened but I'm also glad that my g/f is ok.

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Guest Anonymous
OMG, I'm in shock!!! Sorry man.


You know, we have never really seen eye to eye and we usually have smart comments for each other but that surprised me. Thanks.

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Wow that really sucks. But think about this, that w-body probably saved her life. I continue to be awed whenevery I see a w-body in a wreck, the passengers are always fine

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Guest Anonymous

Something else that helped was my $10 GM STB. Everything bent around it and it held the wheelwell from caving in.


Quick story....


Driving too fast

Lost it on a corner (thinks she hit gravel or something on the road.

Slid 150 ft

Hit 3 trees


She hit the steering wheel, flew up and her left shoulder hit the windshield and busted it. She landed upside down in the pass. seat with her head on the floor. Also the drivers side headrest was laying beside her on the floor. I don't know how it broke off or what broke it off though.

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Wow. I have seen your car a few times in town (DuBois) and I've seen it at a Sheetz in Falls Creek. I'm very sorry to hear that. It's the best that your g/f is ok b/c that is probably the most important thing in this situation.


But that was a damn nice car.

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That sounds so sincere, it's almost cruel. :)


Seriously though, it makes me wonder how in the hell she landed upside down in the passenger seat. Damn, that must've been a hell of a hard hit. Thank goodness she was driving a W-Body and not some piece of shit Honda.


Now that it's over with the TGP, what's your next vehicle going to be?


I'll be the first to say it, Happy Birthday.
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Guest Anonymous
I'll tell ya though, if I was in your situation.... AFTER I knew my g/f was okay, I would be fucking infuriated... :x


Trust me , I am...


And as for my next vehicle, I have my white '89 SE sitting here needing a motor. I was going to put the 3.1/5-speed in it from the '90 LE, but now I'm debating what to do.

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glad to hear that everyone is still alive and that your g/friend will be ok.


not to sound caustic, but i would be RIPSHIT if i got a call and found out that my car was totaled b/c someone else was driving it. much more pissed than if i had done it myself..


see what you can do about buying that car back from the insurance company bro. i think it would be worth it.


good luck :(

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That's a bummer man!! :cry:


I would slap my wife if she drove over her head and crashed my car...after I knew she was ok of course!! :wink: Then again my wife has driven in a few off-road rallies in Hungary and Europe so actually I think she can drive better than me! :shock:

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Dude, that seriously sucks. At least your g/f is ok. I'm still wondering how the heck she got launched from the drivers seat into the passanger seat upside down :shock:


You could always swap the TGP and 5-speed into your SE.


Or you could buy my car and replace your TGP :wink:

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It's not "un-fixable"..even with a bent uni-body. But it wouldn't be a cheap job :shock: I plan on fixing my rolled LE someday when I have more money. It's got some uni-body damange..and a caved in roof. There's nothing that great about the car...it was just a normal LE. But it has sentimental value. :oops:

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