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Why do YOU love YOUR W-Body?


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I thought this would be a good question...


Why do YOU love YOUR W-Body?


I love mine because of, number one, the way it looks! A GP with the B4U body kit = sexiness. I don't think I'm the only one. Its the reason why I love a lot of Pontiacs... I didn't realize until today just how much my car's front end looks like a 70s Trans Am (a la the Bandit).


I love the way my car handles in the snow. It's a friggin tank.


I love the potential that it has to be something really awesome.


How about you?

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There was an identical thread on this a while back but I'll do it anyways.








-All the new-car amenities


1989 GP SE;



-VERY cheap to keep on the road

-Sound of exhaust!

-Door mounted belts


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Honestly, I have no idea. I bought mine with very low miles in the hopes that I could eliminate a car payment, and drive something at least somewhat reliable. Boy was I wrong! That thing has left me stranded more than any other car I own, has proved to be the biggest headache, and gets dreadful milage to boot. By all means I should hate the car with a passion, and should have been rid of it a long time ago. Financially, I should still get rid of it to pay off some other debt.


Somehow, it has found its way into my heart, and I just don't want to let it go :sad:

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How many other platforms had such diversity? I don't really know why I liked mine. There is something about a first generation Grand Prix with the body kit that just screams awesome.

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I fell in love with my car because I fell in love with my dad's old '91 GTP when I was a kid. The car was a rocket...of course, when I was a kid. They are so sleek and stylish and I wanted one ever since. Now I own one and even though it's not a gem, it's my baby and I'm going to restore it so I can relive my childhood, but without the automatic trans :)

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My Z34, I remember being 11, and there was a new 98 sitting on the showroom floor while my parents were trying to by my green 97 Lumina, and I fell in love with it and wanted one ever since that point in my life...now I have one.


As for the 90, I still remember my grandfather buying the 90 ...and I was 4 at the time...my parents bought a gray 90 the same day and the cars had license plates that were one digit off from eachother. My grandfather gave me that car in 10/02 and he still enjoys watching me show up with it and see what I've done to it.


My other 3 1.5 gens... My parents owned the green Lumina since it was 9 months old, and I got it from them in 2006. By far the best car I've EVER owned. It owes me nothing, and is in nearly perfect shape, even with 135k on it. My other blue one and white one have NEVER let me down, and I have nothing into them for money except maintenance, and LIM's, and gas tanks :lol:


These cars are comfortable, mine specific cars are SUPER reliable, and I've enjoyed owning all of them. And My parents have owned W's since 1990, and still do, so I've also been brought up on them.


So, I have 5 W's, and plan on owning more in my future as these ones get older. Sad, but true I am addicted to cars that have no meaning to anyone else, and yet I am okay with that.

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When i was a kid, the Grand Prix was the first car that truely caught my eye when i saw the movie Josh and S.A.M.. The looks and sporty style grabbed my attention and i just knew that one day i had to own one. There are many (and i mean many) vehicles out there that i could have chosen. But no matter what and IMO....this B4U Grand Prix will always be the most sleek and stylish car to me, with a unique wide body look and recognizable front end that i still catch myself staring at when i see one on the road. (sorry for the runon sentence. :lol:)

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Because it's a body damage magnet!


:lol2: Sorry Dan. :lol:



I guess I like mine for the following reasons:



-Cheap to maintain

-I like the way they look.

-Decent performance for 20 year old FWD cars.

-I probably have the only TGP's in my immediate area. I have never seen one locally and live right outside a city of over 100,000 people. I have only seen 3-4 besides my own in person over the past 8 or so years...



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because it was cheaper to keep my grand prix insured for a year + maintence than to put snow tires on my GTO :lol:



Honestly? I always wanted one. When I got my first car (1990 dodge dynasty) I thought they looked really cool, and thought I would never be able to afford one, let alone in high school. They were wayyy too expensive (at least 3 grand!!) then I found an ad for one out in a field, with like 118k on the clock, missing side panels, and terrible paint job, and I knew I wanted it.

Shoot. it was RED. ARREST ME RED.

and the rest? well, lets just say that I have been through more with that car than I have been through with any girl. That, and the memories in that car. I have had some of the most memorable times of my life in that car, and some of the worst times. There were sooo many times back in college when I would sit out there and talk. I called it my "office" because I would go drive somewhere, and come back, and then just sit there, and talk life with people.


Terrible. I know.

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What I like about the '97 CS bone stock with 3100 v6, is the somewhat low end torque, the throaty noise the engine at higher rpms, the comfort of the ride (to tackle all the bumps here in Canada), and luxury.... :razz:


But when I tell people around my age, early to mid twenties, they usually smile and kind of laugh, when I ask them about it, they say the usual 'It's an Oldsmobile' as if it was a POS while they are around driving compact sized imports. Even people that work on cars have this attitude, and usually result to saying that they know someone with an import that has lots of mileage and is old, while domestic cars, specifically GM are crud. sigh... anyways I'll keep driving the Olds :high5:

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I was at school on google videos searching for 0-60. I was 14 years old just getting interested in car. I came across this video




(first time i had EVER even heard of a grand prix)


even though i had seen them 100 times. they just never cought my eye. They were not in video games etc. I knew i had to have a car with that noise. I did not even know what the noise was. well now 4 years later i have owned over 10 Grand prixs alone. 1 cutty, 1 monte. What can i say... i fell in love.

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It's not cheap, but it's extremely reliable, looks extremely nice, sporty and comfy, V6, General Motors...


And it rides so smooth, so quiet, it's like riding a fucking cloud.




And I have a tendency to love what others don't...

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I remember my mom buying the white with white rims '95 Z34 when my brother and his at the time wife totaled her '94 Ford Escort station wagon. That was in 1999 according to all papers we have. I've grown up with the car ever since and it's now mine. I love quirky cars and this has enough quirks to keep me satisfied. My mom originally had her eyes on a Lumina since she loved 4 door cars, but my sister convinced her to get the 2 door Monte Carlo. My mom had also had previous experience with Monte Carlo's, having previously owned both a 1977 and a 1978 and loved them. A few months before she died she stated the 1995, although she initially didn't like it, over time, became the second favorite car she ever owned, the first being a 1966 Ford Thunderbird with suicide doors.

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