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Everyones W-body winter woes


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My L-body takes a little longer to start when it's cold, and there is a nice groaning sound when going over speedbumps or dips in the road when it's cold or wet outside. That's about it I think.


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Not too many problems, my GP still runs like crap since i'm too lazy to work on it. Clutch pedal gets stiff when it's 20 degrees out when I first drive it in the morning...


My Z34 I just bought is leaking power steering fluid like there is no tomorrow... Great, now I hafta freeze my balls off fixing the pressure line.. And of course, no heat at all... Blows some serious cold ass air... Previous owner swapped out the 5-speed for an auto and I think there is a vacuum line for the HVAC not connected...


Other than that, they start right up and don't fail me. Except my GP has major traction issues in 1st and 2nd gear.. :willynilly:

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I certainly do. After owning 2 station wagons with luggage racks, When I bought the 3rd one, I took the luggage rack off.

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I have it worst of all. I have a suspened license and can't drive my Lumina. I do know it needs an alignment inner and outer tie rods, rear struts, starter is grinding every now and then.

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Since I don't put my car in the garage, I've always had the problem of the cutlass shaking all to hell the day after plowing through some deep snow. I had the same problem with the 94, It's those damn deep dish w-body wheels, snow builds up in there, then freezes overnight and then the damn thing shakes horribly the next day. I used to hate drivin the 94 to college in the winter cause I drove 75 miles one way, and it shook so bad at times I couldn't see straight. The 96 is better with it's 5 spokes, I can actually stop at the wash and blast the snow and ice out, but with the sawblades there was no good way to spray in behind there. Oh yeah and one day after work, I let somone use my jumpers when it was 25 below, I went and put them in the trunk, came back and the door was locked and for some reason I didn't bring my spare keychain with that day. I tried with a coat hanger for about 1 min and said F@*& that it's too cold. I ended up payin $60 to a tow company. I now just have the key fob seperated and leave it in my coat pocket at all times. It's kind of handy for quick stops at the gas station I can keep it running and just lock it on the way into the store. Other than that no problems so far.


Here's a couple of pics from the only storm we had so far this winter, and one of how she sits today, not too bad, and one of the international, just moved it down here on a trailer, thats the most action the international has seen in 6 months.


[attachment deleted by admin] Removed to free up storage space.

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On the Regal, the KYB struts are extremely stiff when it's below freezing. The brake-shift interlock freezes up (I've since disconnected it.) The park/neutral safety switch also acts up when it's extremely cold out...

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My Regal starts hard after sitting overnight when it's below 10* outside. It has always started for me though.


The "Low Coolant" light comes on when I start the car too (It's actually not low either, the level is quite high lol). Then it stays on for 5sec-2min depending how cold it is and how soon I start driving my car.


Other than that I don't really have problems with it.

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all i have to say for these past few days is SCARY lol my back end lkes to go where it wants so its kinda scary for the other drivers lol i hope i am not the only one with this kind of problem, although it does make going around corners really easy but scary for my passengers lololol :twisted:


[attachment deleted by admin] Removed to free up storage space.

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my fuel economy went down the crapper. :lol:


WERD!!! I used to top the gas tank off every 400 kms in the city, but now I can barely make 250 kms. It's either from the cold weather or that it's in serious need of a tune up.... or both.

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My windshield washer works intermittently, my parking brake cable is almost dragging along the ground and my fuel economy went down the crapper. :lol:


the parking brake cable was always a biotch on my old gp. The only complaint I had with the gp in about -30 celcius would be the stupid digital cluster would always show 888 no matter how warm it was in the car!

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my fuel economy went down the crapper. :lol:


WERD!!! I used to top the gas tank off every 400 kms in the city, but now I can barely make 250 kms. It's either from the cold weather or that it's in serious need of a tune up.... or both.

Well its probably from extended periods of idle trying to get the car to defrost!! Thats why mine is horrible.


My car is defrosting almost as much as it is moving! :lol: My drive to work is 2 miles, maybe 6 minutes. and i take 2-3 min every time to warm up before i go on my long journey, lol.

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my fuel economy went down the crapper. :lol:


WERD!!! I used to top the gas tank off every 400 kms in the city, but now I can barely make 250 kms. It's either from the cold weather or that it's in serious need of a tune up.... or both.

Well its probably from extended periods of idle trying to get the car to defrost!! Thats why mine is horrible.


My car is defrosting almost as much as it is moving! :lol: My drive to work is 2 miles, maybe 6 minutes. and i take 2-3 min every time to warm up before i go on my long journey, lol.


Well, I have an in-car heater in the car that keeps the inside of the car warm, so I don't have to deal with defrost waiting times, or ice scraping/snow brushing. What sucks is that I can't plug it in when I'm at work, only when I'm home.


My drive to work (FedEx) is 4 kms (2.5 miles) as well, but I usually make a detour to Tim Hortons for breakfast, so the trip increases to 12 kms (7.5 miles), and the only time I let the car idle is when I'm in the Timmy's chatting with the guy, and waiting for my order. usually less than 10 minutes. When I go to my other work, (Wal-Mart), which is also only 4 kms away I usually just go straight there and straight home without waiting for the car to warm up.


My total daily drive to both jobs, and back home, plus Timmy's is about 24 kms (15 miles)

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Driving to and from school everyday, and usually letting my car warm up for about 10 minutes before i leave home, and again before i leave school, i usually pull off about 400 km per tank. That involves enough city driving too. When i was driving the regal in the summer, i was usually able to pull off around 560 km per tank with everyday driving. The most i ever went on a single tank was 670km, and that was after about 350km of highway driving. The most i have ever pulled off in the cutlass is 620km on a single tank, and that involved about 400km of highway driving with the AC cranked the whole time. I cant really complain about the milage that i get with my cars.

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my parking brake cable is almost dragging along the ground

Almost every beater W I see is like that.

I don't even have a parking brake cable... I cut mine off when my bro and I were doing the rear brake upgrade. We have the new cable, but we never put it on, it's just sitting in the garage, and will never get used unless I sell it to one of you guys.

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My Lumina has less rattles in winter then it does in summer. Also, the seats are nice and stiff, instead of the usual horribly uncomfortable sinkning through the shit foam right into the fuck up springs lol..

The engine sounds like it's going to blow up all the time with the amount of noise coming from under the hood, and until it warms up. My trunk is full of water, so the rear window is permafrosted. The dash pad has a beautiful crack straight down the middle (finally, I didn't think it would have taken so long for the POS to finally crack)..

The motor barely turns over on -40 degree starts..and the oil pump or something makes a long EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..and the oil pressure guage finally pegs itself lol.

My tranny doesn't shift out of first gear if I drive it cold..it also won't shift into third gear at WOT (warm or not)..

Both doors creak when opening and closing..

My e-brake is fucked, frozen or something..the pdeal engages and then slips or something..whatever I never use the stupid thing anyway.

Something is wrong with the front end, and it causes a nice vibration around 55-75mph..faster then that and it vibrates so much that it almost smoothes out..

Both windows are perma-frozen..

Oh, and my paint decided to say "fuck you" and it is cracking and flaking off everywhere..yay!


I hate this POS

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I have been getting terrible gas mileage on the last few tanks, I generally get 350-400 miles out of a full tank. The last few tanks ive been gettin around 250 miles :eek: :mad: Im not sure whats causing this but its gettin old pretty quick.


My suspension is riding worse that ever, especially the rear, i think water gets into the strts and freezes. This happend last winter on my lumina, it got so bad that the back end of the car would not move even and inch!! The struts were completly frozen!! Plus something from the back of the car is rattling.


Ive had no problems enginewise though *crosses fingers*. Its started every morning with the remote starter and runs perfect, although my lifter knock is a bit louder.

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