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Worst birthday ever...

Guest Anonymous

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She hit the steering wheel, flew up and her left shoulder hit the windshield and busted it. She landed upside down in the pass. seat with her head on the floor. Also the drivers side headrest was laying beside her on the floor. I don't know how it broke off or what broke it off though.


She have her seatbelt on?


I would say put the turbo 3.1 and trans into the white car, and keep the black one as-is. Wasnt there a turbo car cheap like $750 on here???

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Guest Anonymous

About buying it back from the ins. company, I only had liability on it so it's still mine. The worst part is the day before I left for NY we talked about getting full coverage on all the cars again. We were going to do it after I got back.


I thought about making the SE a 5 speed/ turbo but I would need a chip for it.


I don't know, I can't even look at the pics now so it'll be awhile before I touch the car.

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About buying it back from the ins. company, I only had liability on it so it's still mine. The worst part is the day before I left for NY we talked about getting full coverage on all the cars again. We were going to do it after I got back.


I thought about making the SE a 5 speed/ turbo but I would need a chip for it.


I don't know, I can't even look at the pics now so it'll be awhile before I touch the car.


Wow man.. I feel for ya. I know what you mean there.. When I wrecked my Lumina (yeah lumina.. but it was mine, paid for, and had a lot of memories) I was at a loss for days. It is almost like loosing a good friend. (:) Sorry if that sounds psycho) It is amazing that people usually don't realize what they have until it is gone.

I wish you the best of luck dude.

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Guest Anonymous
She have her seatbelt on?


I would say put the turbo 3.1 and trans into the white car, and keep the black one as-is. Wasnt there a turbo car cheap like $750 on here???


No seatbelt.


I would like to keep the black one but it's a POS. I only bought it because of the 5-speed. The rear suspension is shot. The interior is trashed. The sunroof leaks very bad, the top of the windshield leaks all the way accross, etc... Someone tries to bondo accross the top of the windshield but all they did was make it look like shit.


I did see the TGP for $750 but I can't afford anything right now. She went and bought a stupid Saturn before I got back. Women make me sooooo fucking mad.

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damn man...sorry.


To me...everything is that the GF is ok...just imagine what would it would be like if she wasnt....and how lucky you are.


Hope you all are good....and ill say if you need anything dude...let me know!



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Ouch, sorry to hear about your car, you should take everything out of the red 90 and put it into the 89SE... Even the B4U aero package, paint the red aero package white and have a white 89 TGP!!!


FWIW my opinion


:cheers: :cheers:

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yeah...forgot the seatbelt thing. GF ran her mustang over a curb once and been the wheel to peices caus she took a turn in that crappy car at like 40...in a 25MPH neighboorhood. She fell into the pass seat (vinal interior). since then she wont even drive with it off



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sorry to hear about the car................i would just fix it.....the right side atleast doesn't even look that bad.........however you never showed pics of the driverside........but by looking at the passenger it even looks driveable

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Very sorry to hear about the fate of the TGP, but glad your g/f is ok...and happy belated birthday(mine is tomorrow 8) )...I almost cried when I saw the pics and it isn't my car :oops:

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First I am really sorry to hear this happened to you Joe! I imagine it was harder not being in town when it happened and getting a dear-TGP letter/call that it left you, sucks!! Red with Gray is a rare TGP as well and you have put your time into it.


Really the best thing for now is to make sure it is in a safe place, take out the battery and anything else of real value, throw a tarp over it to keep others from seeing what is sitting there and attracting thieves (and to keep you from being reminded about it). After a few months THEN think about what you want to do with it, no reason now to make any decisions, it’s not going anywhere, and you need a break from this experience, you will think better about what’s next for it later. As for the cause, not my girl to say so much about but; too fast in a car not familiar to the driver and not wearing a seatbelt, only thing I can hope comes from this is a good lesson to learn from what not to do the next time!


No need to reply to my post here, you are getting enough reminders talking about it, just take care of your life and hope there is something better that might happen later after all this.


We all are hoping better luck for you!!!


Sincerely, Jeff Middaugh

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I have a few things to say about this:


the first thing is that sitting here at my computer, i am shocked. i cant really find the words; but to try and describe it ive had friends in bad accidents and ive been in an accident that terrible and i have not felt the feeling that you get in the pit of your stomach like this in a long time. the feeling i just got now surpasses that. it almost feels as if im you, and yet we've never even met face to face. you lost a treasured thing in your life and almost lost and even more important one.


I will also tell you now that car saved her life. nothing short of a Mercedes Benz with airbags for every part of your body would have come close to what that car can hold up in. While a simple thing like an airbag would have probably kept her from hitting the windshield, i still wonder how she was battered and flipped like that and still remained alive.


edit, well now that i read over all the new posts, she didnt have a seatbelt on....that explains everything :? i went to post this earlier in the day then i had to leave befor ei was done finidhing the post. i clicked send when i got back but didnt read over ur updates


How fast was too fast? you say 70 or 80 but what was the road like? highway with a low speed limit (55) a state road, or a tiny road you shouldnt be going fast on. basically what im getting at is i also would probably be infuriated after i was assured she was alright.


best of luck to her i hope she has a full recovery, and that you find another TGP and get it in as good of shape as ur old one. its a real shame to see that happen to that car

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i would like to say sorry about the car... but i would also like to add something for future reference...


You see, the way i see it, there is 3 things a guy should NEVER give a female:


1) A Gun - this one is just plain obvious


2) Credit/Debit card - again, obvious


3) Car Keys - as illustrated in this thread.



lolz, im just messin though. Im glad your girl is alright. My ex (i was with her at the time) got in a really bad accident - she fell asleep at the wheel - and ended up rolling her car, killing her little sister. It was a big eye opener for me... i know that her sister was gone, but it could have been her just as easily. its a shitty situation when something like that happens, butl ike i said, at leas you and her are both alright.


good luck with the car, let us know what the plans are for it.


- Justin

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Guest Anonymous

I'm going out later to get pics of the road and skid marks. The police report said she slid 150 ft. I haven't been to the scene yet so I don't know. She was driving it because it is half hers. We put both our names on everything we get. I can't really tell her she can't drive it anyway. She bought it for me. I thought that was pretty damn nice of her. She loved the car almost as much as I did. I don't know, I look at her and I'm glad she's ok, but then again I just want to scream at her.

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DUDE.... Sorry to see the car Go... Glad To know everyone is ok...


I have a Symilar story about a crash that i was in. My friend was driving his parents GTP(which had the Front and REAR STBs) same situation as yours going around a curve, the car was planted in the turn(nicely handling the corner) hit a very very small pot hole type "dent" in the road and we flew off the road at about 120 KPH.

A passer by told us the we slid off the road and the front passenger side wheel area hit a huge oak tree and spunn us arround to hit another one with the rear wheel area. the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) Crash reconstruction unit told us that the things that saved our lives were the Front and Rear STBs!!!!! Because of them the car didn't just crumple like and accordian...

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DUDE.... Sorry to see the car Go... Glad To know everyone is ok...


I have a Symilar story about a crash that i was in. My friend was driving his parents GTP(which had the Front and REAR STBs) same situation as yours going around a curve, the car was planted in the turn(nicely handling the corner) hit a very very small pot hole type "dent" in the road and we flew off the road at about 120 KPH.

A passer by told us the we slid off the road and the front passenger side wheel area hit a huge oak tree and spunn us arround to hit another one with the rear wheel area. the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) Crash reconstruction unit told us that the things that saved our lives were the Front and Rear STBs!!!!! Because of them the car didn't just crumple like and accordian...


who's the g-string girl?

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Ugh.. leave for a weekend to see those pictures when I come back... that almost made me sick to see. :cry: :cry:


Your story of how it happened really hit me..

We were travelling back from Oklahoma City last night, and I was taking an on ramp on to another interstate. It's one of those on ramps that has the steep, sharp curve. I always love seeing what the car can do on that turn. She hugged the turn, tires chirping ever so slightly, but she got through just fine. I would have NEVER thought about a slight bit of gravel on the road that could have threw the front end of the car in to a slide. So by seeing/reading this, it has taught me a lesson..

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Dude that absolutly blows, im sorry for ya loss, Glad the woman is okey.


I hope your keeping it for the engine/tranny and whatever else you can save. my baby (the 90 gp u saw) went up in flames last week so I know what your feeling. If you descide to part it out or whatever happens, let me know cauz id kill for the rims.


1ce again man, im really sorry for your loss.



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