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DIC won't stop beeping in my TSTE


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When I bought my TSTE the Anti-Lock light was on, I didn't think it was a big deal because I knew that sometimes that is a common problem with the TGP's so I left it alone. Well today we got snow and I got a chance to realize that the ABS wasn't working. Well at school I started looking around and I realized that the 10 amp ABS controller fuse was missing, so I put one in and the ABS light went off. Well now the light flashes like in my other TGP, but the ABS still works, but everytime the light flashes the DIC beeps, and it is really really annoying. Is there anyway other than pulling the fuse again to make the DIC stop beeping?





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could be a list of problems. mine was doing the same thing so I pulled that fuse to make it shut up. I didn't need abs at the time. I ended up needing a abs accumulater.


does your pump run often?




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I don't have any idea if the pump runs often, I can't hear it because the DIC won't shut up. I don't want to fix the ABS, I just want to know what I can do to the DIC to make it so it doesn't beep anymore. Is there a speaker or something I can disable?

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Easier solution. My TSTE was doing the same thing when I first bought it. A buddy of mine tried something. He just unplugged the ABS computer, and it worked! This way, you can still keep the DIC functional. It still shows ABS as a problem, but it doesn't flash and beep at one second intervals. GOD DAMN, that was driving me out of my mind.

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Well my choice is to keep the ABS and skip the DIC by unplugging it to shut up the beeper!! We don't have to have the DIC info, we all know when to change our oil etc, mpg who cares as knowing will not make it better :lol: Door is ajar I like or trunk, but the TGP does not have those and we live with it 8) . Just my opinion.


You will most likely find its just the ABS Accumulator like it was said, same with my STE, it beeped from California to Vegas where I pulled the DIC plug till I got home to MN and replace the accum, not a peep since!


Jeff M

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Easier solution. My TSTE was doing the same thing when I first bought it. A buddy of mine tried something. He just unplugged the ABS computer, and it worked! This way, you can still keep the DIC functional. It still shows ABS as a problem, but it doesn't flash and beep at one second intervals. GOD DAMN, that was driving me out of my mind.


That is what the previous owners solution was. I want my ABS to work so that won't work for me.


Well my choice is to keep the ABS and skip the DIC by unplugging it to shut up the beeper!! We don't have to have the DIC info, we all know when to change our oil etc, mpg who cares as knowing will not make it better Door is ajar I like or trunk, but the TGP does not have those and we live with it . Just my opinion.


I thought about doing that, and I am still considering doing that, but I use my DIC to see how fast I am going because my speedometer is ~20% off.



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