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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2019 in all areas

  1. digitaloutsider

    Lumatic Rides Again!

    Hosting here is fine. We were telling people to stop using Photobucket since it's hot garbage. Imgur or here is A-OK.
    1 point
  2. MemphisMan

    Lumatic Rides Again!

    What color is your interior? I have a good burgandy center console lid for sale if you're looking for one. Best of luck on your Z-34!
    1 point
  3. oldmangrimes

    New Old member couple questions

    For parts, I like to use car-part.com to search junkyards. While they may not list the exact part you need, you can find a nearby yard with a Lumina and then directly contact them to ask about the parts you want. I don't have the time to go to junkyards myself, but for a few dollars they will pull and ship the parts to you. Shipping a hood isn't cheap so hopefully you get lucky and the place is close enough for you to pick it up yourself. I'm looking forward to seeing your before and after painting pics. And I agree about not getting newer rides, I keep shopping for newer cars but the parts are so cheap for w-bodies that I always end up just deciding to keep mine a little longer. My daily driver 95 costs me about $100 a month in repairs+maintenance+depreciation (hint, the $100 is all parts, I do almost all my own work and my car is fully depreciated lol) and the math just doesn't work out for getting a newer car.
    1 point
  4. rich_e777

    Lumatic Rides Again!

    Start a build thread and post everything related to your project to keep it all together. Theres also a Wanted: section in the forum for part requests and for sale items. Definitely post some pics when you can.
    1 point
  5. rich_e777

    Lumatic Rides Again!

    Awhile back the mods and owner mentioned NOT uploading to the website but hosting the images elsewhere and linking them here. If thats still a thing I found Imgur to be really easy to upload and link pics to forums, it gives you a link to just copy and paste directly to the text box of the forum. Hey Jiggity, if you ever get the notion and time the forum would be ecstatic to have a PDF or Excel sheet made from that PN book, I`ve looked for one on and off over the years and never saw one.
    1 point
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