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Gas mileage with Ethanol?


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This subject just makes me madder than a wet hen.


Ethanol is b/s. Just like a lot of the other crap that the government is feeding us, but the people go ALONG with it because most of them are too ignorant, unaware, or just don't care. As long as they can watch their college sports and drink their beer in front of their TV at home, none of this matters.



QFT. :high5:
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I just paid $3.45. No one around here can find a place without it. I got 19.8mpg on my last tank! Thats a drop of 6-7mpg!


hurry up with that OBD2 swap and I'll show you how to crank up the MPG's


:lol: That wont come until I buy another car and have money to mess around with. many yrs from now. Besides, I didnt even get the motor in!


Although Ive been meaning to ask you... is there a place or some info where I can learn more about the terms and maps and such of GM OBDII? I have a decent understanding of everything, but have no idea how I would go about tuning and creating/modifing maps and terms used etc etc



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E10 is a rarity in my immediate area. 99% of the stations here have non blended fuels. I did notice the other day while I was in Atlanta, GA(about an hour from me) that they had E10 at certain gas stations.

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What are you paying in Jersey?


$3-$3.05 anywhere around the county. Some hick ass middle of nowhere places usually are even cheaper. And if we got rid of the fucking MOST REDICULOUS LAW IN THE COUNTRY (full service only) they could prolly be another .10 cheaper on average - not that that makes much difference.


Why is ethanol BS? Ethanol is so great because it costs so much less to make!!!! Oh but wait, you get about half the fuel economy as you do with gasoline. Great so I'm paying less but filling up twice as much. That accomplishes a lot.

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if we got rid of the fucking MOST REDICULOUS LAW IN THE COUNTRY (full service only) they could prolly be another .10 cheaper on average - not that that makes much difference.




New Jersey is fucked in the ass. We were applying for medicaid for our son the other day, and they actually asked us if we had committed a misdemeanor in New Jersey. When we asked why, the lady told us that a lot of things that are felonies in all the other states are actually misdemeanors in Jersey. !!!

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ethanol is better... when produced from sugarcane... when all the vehicles on the road are designed to run on it... when it is not forced down our filler necks as the only available fuel blend... and when pigs fly.


You should all research Brazil. Last I heard they are completely oil self sufficient as all the cars they are useing sugarcane to produce their ethanol and all vehicles sold there are now e85 compliant. I need to research this myself, too.

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How do you increase the mileage thru the OBD2?


PM Glass Joe.


Ethanol is nice for the simple fact that it gets us off of OPEC's cock. That is it. It is not the answer, its a temporary solution and even then a 1/8 of the key to solving our oil problems.


Whats next diverting all our corn product straight to fuel? HA!

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You should all research Brazil. Last I heard they are completely oil self sufficient as all the cars they are useing sugarcane to produce their ethanol and all vehicles sold there are now e85 compliant. I need to research this myself, too.


All cars in Brazil can run ethanol, yes. But how many cars are in Brazil compared to the US, not to mention the fact that 3/4s of them probably aren't trucks and SUVs. The farmland just does not exist to grow our fuel, especially while we still need to feed ourselves on top of that. The Amazon is getting fucked up right now because land owners down there are slashing and burning it down to grow crops to meet the demands for ethanol and food production.

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I think we're gonna be ok here guys, I just saw on Fox where they discovered a deposit of oil with about 4.3 billion barrels of oil somewhere in North Dakota that will be very easy to extract. No wait, I bet the environmentalist and the EPA are already on their way their to put a stop to it. A few months ago here in Tennessee there was news about a company from Canada that found a large deposit of sweet crude oil along some mountain range. The EPA and some environmental group said that they didnt think that they had found anything but would keep their eye on them just in case they did so that they could prevent any damage being done. In other words stop it from happening.


Thats this countries biggest problem in my opinion. We have the oil, we just cant drill for it.

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I think we're gonna be ok here guys, I just saw on Fox where they discovered a deposit of oil with about 4.3 billion barrels of oil somewhere in North Dakota that will be very easy to extract. No wait, I bet the environmentalist and the EPA are already on their way their to put a stop to it. A few months ago here in Tennessee there was news about a company from Canada that found a large deposit of sweet crude oil along some mountain range. The EPA and some environmental group said that they didnt think that they had found anything but would keep their eye on them just in case they did so that they could prevent any damage being done. In other words stop it from happening.


Thats this countries biggest problem in my opinion. We have the oil, we just cant drill for it.


Damn environmentalists. Prius-driving, tree-humping nincompoops.

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Have any of you tried increase the MPG by adding acetone. I have been doing alot of research on it the past few days. I know all the experts say not to but out of the several hundred posts I read only one guy said that he had a problem with it and find it hard to believe what he said happened. He said that after one try of 2oz. acetone to 1 tank of gas he had to replace everything from the injectors all the way back to the tank. One guy said that he puts it in everything he has with an engine. I put 2 tbs in 1/2 gallon of gas for the lawn mower last night. I figure if the acetone does damage this would be the cheapest to fix. It has a plastic tank, rubber gas lines, plastic filter, plastic float. She ran great, it is supposed to raise the octane rating up.

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Have any of you tried increase the MPG by adding acetone. I have been doing alot of research on it the past few days. I know all the experts say not to but out of the several hundred posts I read only one guy said that he had a problem with it and find it hard to believe what he said happened. He said that after one try of 2oz. acetone to 1 tank of gas he had to replace everything from the injectors all the way back to the tank. One guy said that he puts it in everything he has with an engine. I put 2 tbs in 1/2 gallon of gas for the lawn mower last night. I figure if the acetone does damage this would be the cheapest to fix. It has a plastic tank, rubber gas lines, plastic filter, plastic float. She ran great, it is supposed to raise the octane rating up.


Isn't a higher octane rating only helpful on higher compression engines to prevent predetonation? I'd imagine it would be detrimental to performance if you put it in an engine that's supposed to run 87 octane...

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I have tried it last year for a good part of the summer and any gain I saw was negligible. It might work, but I didn't continue making adjustments with the mixture to see if that would help. It's not going to harm anything, especially at that minimal concentration.

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I'm not sure, I read several posts that said it helped offset the lower MPG with the ethanol blended fuels. On one post an engineering student posted a video on youtube in which he experimented with a Geo Metro that had a three cylinder, 1.2L or something like that, I'm sure it is low comp. He had one of those scan tools that monitored MPG. He did two runs without acetone and two runs with 2oz acetone to 10 gal. of gas. He averaged 54 MPG without acetone and 58 with acetone. There is a fine line to mixing it. If the ratio of acetone to gas gets to high the MPG goes the other way, you get fewer MPG. Once you have added it, you cant add it again until you run the tank all the way down or you have to be very very good at figuring to get the mixture correct, say like if you top off the tank when its half empty and want to add the acetone again. The average increase seems to be 4 to 5 more MPG with the acetone.

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I'm not sure, I read several posts that said it helped offset the lower MPG with the ethanol blended fuels. On one post an engineering student posted a video on youtube in which he experimented with a Geo Metro that had a three cylinder, 1.2L or something like that, I'm sure it is low comp. He had one of those scan tools that monitored MPG. He did two runs without acetone and two runs with 2oz acetone to 10 gal. of gas. He averaged 54 MPG without acetone and 58 with acetone. There is a fine line to mixing it. If the ratio of acetone to gas gets to high the MPG goes the other way, you get fewer MPG. Once you have added it, you cant add it again until you run the tank all the way down or you have to be very very good at figuring to get the mixture correct, say like if you top off the tank when its half empty and want to add the acetone again. The average increase seems to be 4 to 5 more MPG with the acetone.

3 cylinder 1.0L 993cc

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I'm not sure, I read several posts that said it helped offset the lower MPG with the ethanol blended fuels. On one post an engineering student posted a video on youtube in which he experimented with a Geo Metro that had a three cylinder, 1.2L or something like that, I'm sure it is low comp. He had one of those scan tools that monitored MPG. He did two runs without acetone and two runs with 2oz acetone to 10 gal. of gas. He averaged 54 MPG without acetone and 58 with acetone. There is a fine line to mixing it. If the ratio of acetone to gas gets to high the MPG goes the other way, you get fewer MPG. Once you have added it, you cant add it again until you run the tank all the way down or you have to be very very good at figuring to get the mixture correct, say like if you top off the tank when its half empty and want to add the acetone again. The average increase seems to be 4 to 5 more MPG with the acetone.


I never saw that amount of increase. I started off with low concentrations, about 1.5 oz/10 gal then worked up to 3 oz/10 gal and didn't see much. I MAY have concluded 1.5mpg of an increase but you have to take into account all the other variables, such as ambient temperature, average speed, driving style, wind direction, also the method the fuel is measured (like going by when the gas pump shuts off upon fill-up). I drive the same way to work and back every day and I won't get repeatable numbers every fill-up. The only numbers I would believe would be taken from identical dyno runs with fuel level being measured in a container other than the gas tank. However, a 2mpg or greater consistent increase should be detectable.

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Oh I've also got 10% ethanol mandate in NY. Can't get around it.


Yup! My gas mileage sucks. I attribute it in part to ethanol mix, and to my sticking rear calipers :redface:


On the bright side our owners manuals say we can handle up to a 10% blend

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