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Got pulled over for system


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I completely agree with you Intlcutlass, and I am still in my 20's. Dont get me wrong, I love my tunes and music. Hell I was sponsored by Pioneer some time ago. But I also knew how to respect others living areas. My music was only turned up on the highway, where its the only place it can only bother 1 person, ME. What it comes down to is that these snot nose "what up g'," fart cannon a spewin, wanna be loosers have no respect for themselves, so why should they have respect for anyone else


Just to refine my point (becuase you have brought up a good one), I also turn my music up when I'm on the freeway.... I like loud music too, but I make sure when I pull up to a red light/ stop sign that I am the only one who can hear it.

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Im 19 as well, and being young isnt an excuse to do this kinda stuff. I live in a neighborhood with alot of kids, but alot of older people as well. ( not to mention alot of yuppies that get pissed even when we drive my dads car ) and so you have one of the loudest around? Um ok, that means absolutly nothing to about the 95% of people. All it shows is that you spent more money. You say your pissed that it happen, well its your own fault for playing it that loud, so shut up and deal with your actions. Theres a reason why they say 'think before you act.'



If your not using a Termlab 180 or 190 mic, you score will be higher than what it actually is, because that mic that that guy has isnt very tough.

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When I hear cars with bass all I think of is young, punk ass kids that think they own the world. Either that or ghetto thugs that spend more money on their audio system and 90" rims than anything else in life.

I stand firmly by my post.


There is nothing better than enjoying an nice quiet evening (when I get the time) with my wife, on the front porch ( I'm only 34 so lets not call me grandpa), when all the sudden some motherfucker comes booming down our street with his subs set at full, and his fart can a spew'n. :motz2: I have officially dubbed them "Thumpers".


Tell me something kid.... Do you smoke?


I think of this traveling bass as "second hand bass", and it works the EXACT same way as the smokers argument minus the cancer. Tell me boy, if I don't want to be exposed to that, and you blast your Milli Vanilli Ice, then are your taking away my rights to a little peace and quiet?


As far as if I get annoyed easily or not, it doesn't matter, it's not part of the discussion. But if you must know... Stupidity annoys me.


:werd: x2




You said you live in a small rural community, right? Maybe there's a reason why people live there??? Cause it's QUIET.


I live in a small city, not much noise... and I like it that way. It's only noisy downtown on Fri or Sat night with guys cruising downtown with their stereos going... but that's cool cause it's downtown.

When I visit the bigger city (350,000... 10x bigger than here) there is alot more "noise pollution", that includes trucks/traffic/kids with stereos, etc. I guess all i'm saying is (as stated before) there is a time and a place...

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On my Pioneer Headunit my sibs are set at 0 all the time and they still are pounding.


I dont want to be beind someone at a light and be rattling the french fries out of their cupholder (which I could easily do)


The cop realized you were a nincumpoop and pulled you over.


Is there any reason to drive 24/7 with your chingy holidea in CD maxed out at 80 Db's FTW!!!!???

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AC mics are alright, but they are not the current "standard" if you will.


Nobody can say they are inaccurate, because they are providing they are within calibration.


They just do what they do a little differently.


Take whatever the AC gives you, subtract about 7 dB, thats about whewre a TL will show you.

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what happens when your a old man and it hurts your ears and a railroad track is outside your bedroom window with a loud locomotive blowing its horn and brakes squealin. are you gonna get your depends all in a bunch and go bitch at the locomotive driver, shake your fist and shoot out its windows?


like prev. mentioned, loud motorcycles and fart cans :thumbsdown: clean bass in music with no rattling lic. plate and flowmasters :thumb:

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The difference would be I willing put myself into said situation.


Your annoying car and bass driving by my house is out of my control. Where I live is within my control.


Your volume can be adjusted whenever. You cant adjust the exhause pipes on a car/bike on the fly like a stereo.


Your analogies are weak and useless. The simple fact is some of you have no respect. Then you try to justify the unjustifiable.


Ive been doing this since the early-mid 90's. Ive been in all situations now, so I can speak from both sides of the fence. I like it loud, but I like my peace also.

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To cutlsp: Playing my system isnt gonna get me shot whre I live. Im sorry if You live in shitty area, but I dont see how its relevent to the conversation.


Ryan from Ohio: I dont see how my stereo system has anything to do with me watching my parents having sex...thats pretty fucked up...


Intlcutlass: yes I do smoke occasionaly, and im not sure what Milli Vanilla Ice is, is that a new Ben & Jerry flavor??


97loudcut: The bass on my HU IS at 0 thank you very much, In fact I think it was at -2 or -3 when I got pulled over. It never goes over 0. And I dont listen to chingy, thanks.


I also do not have a fart can muffler, or "90 inch" rims. Nor am I "ghetto" or a rich kid. I work hard for the money I spend on my stereo. Judging by many of the posts here, its seems like you would rather I was out driving drunk or street racing then occasionaly playing my stereo loud, a little noise is not the end of the world people!!

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this thread is retarded and has ran it's course






Addicted2bass got pulled over for being an immature idiot, should have gotten a ticket but didn't, came on here to complain, forum members told him that he was an idiot

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