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Woah, what's wrong with my steering here?


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I have a 1991 Olds Cutlass Supreme, broke 179k miles today.


My steering wheel has started acting weird. Just starting today, to go straight, I have to turn the wheel about 70 degrees to the right. The wheel wants to pull itself into it's natural position, so the car is pulling to the left quite a bit. Ignoring this, handling is also messed up. Turning left is no problem, it feels the same as it always had, but turning right feels extremely loose. This could however be a combination of the car pulling to the left and my perception of having the wheel turned way too much to the right, making it just feel bizarre.


I was pulling out of a gas station this morning, turning right to merge in with traffic I had to cut the wheel all the way to the right. There was no sound, no odd feeling at all, nothing noticeable happened. But coming out of that turn is when my steering wheel started this. I turned the wheel to go straight, and I almost started heading into the opposite lane, ouch.


I circled around in a parking lot for a while, trying out how the car handled like this, and I decided it was good enough to continue on my trip to Boston and back. I just took it a little slow, but the trip went fine. It just doesn't feel natural to have the wheel facing to the right when driving straight.


So it seems like I need a massive front end allignment? Or is this possibly something more serious? Unfortuantely I'm at school right now, the mechanic I usually go to is back home, about a two hour drive. But the car was alright on the highway, so I might go home next weekend to show it to him.

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Just a thought, check your cradle bolts. One of my bolts broke and left that corner of the cradle hanging. (Which I then proceeded to drive as if nothing happened. :lol: ) If it suddenly and dramatically changed on you, that's not a good sign. On mine, it completely changed my steering and handling. It became precarious and dangerous on the highway, especially in the rain.

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Yeah, before I went to get gas this morning there was nothing wrong with the steering at all. Turning out of the station was the first time I noticed the steering to be way off.


I think I've decided to not drive the car for the next couple weeks, and head home columbus day weekend. My roommate can probably give me a ride back here, and I'll leave the car with my parents and have them get it looked at.

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