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so i broke my trunk spring....how do i put it back


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with me competing in car audio comps this summer i have put many a box in and out of my trunk.

a couple or three weeks ago i was pushing the box in and then i heard a pop and the trunk fell on me. luckily it did not hit my head.


so later when i pulled the box out the spring that holds the trunk open fell on the trunk floor.


nothing is broken physically.

and i crawled the best i could with my size and seat folded down into my trunk from the cabin.


i can see where it goes

how it is supposed to go

but i could not figure how to get it back into place.


it looks like you have to get it close and then rotate it 180 degrees to lock it into place.


anyone have a clue?

or tips?

i would like to stop using the brace to hold my trunk open.


Thanx in advance



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i had this problem....


the best solution is to get a buddy (recamended but not required) and climbn into the trunk with a light.


close the truck lid (if alone, then dont latch it) and then you will see where your spring attaches. There are 2 or three different positions that it attaches too... choose the one that your other spring is hooked to on the other side...


you may need a pry bar and a pair of vise grips. it really is hard to explain but when you see it, you'll understand.


- Justin

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i see where it needs to go.

i just could not get it easily so instead of risking injury by myself i thought i would ask.


mayb i can talk my short bus friend (LOL) into climbing into trunk.

suppose i would have to empty it first. he is short but not that short.



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