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tinted tails question


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does any one know trhe laws in michigan for tinted tail lights cuzz i want to do it but am unsure of the law and my front windows are way to darkly tinted. ill have pics up of the new tint pics just done on monday

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Just don't make them so dark that you can't see them. You should still be able to see them without hitting the brake pedal. Mine are dark but you can still see the lights, so I haven't been given any problems.



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Most cops arnt going to give you trouble over something as simple as tail light tint unless you draw the attention to yourself or the cop is just being an ass.

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hell look at it this way, it might get you out of a speeding ticket if the cop is cool... lol give ya a ticket for that instead, that's why I usually like to have at least 1 illegal thing on my car... :P

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hell look at it this way, it might get you out of a speeding ticket if the cop is cool... lol give ya a ticket for that instead, that's why I usually like to have at least 1 illegal thing on my car... :P


Yeah x2 lol. I was speeding one morning (8 over) and the cop turned around and followed me and pulled me over. And gave me a warning for my windsheild.

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hell I've had loud exhaust or no front plate get me outta speeding tickets before... but I am usually nice to the cops, and the military ID used to help a lot too... :)

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I had no problems when still down in indiana, and always had cops behind me on my way to work or in town because I lived close to the station, and never had a problem. I've been back in michigan for almost two months and have been in front of a cop or two and they didn't give a second thought either

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Don't even get me started guys....lol. I live in a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA.

--> "Carnegie" and the police, with the exception of a 'few' and ONLY a few- of the whole "C.P.D." are a bunch of friggin LOSERS ! They pull people over for the most obserd little details on 'nice' cars... all day/ everyday. It's actually funny...

In a PATHETIC kinda way. haha...

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