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Racing stripes, need pics of grand prix's with em.......and.


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I need pictures of grand prix's with racing stripes, trying to get an idea for my 93. Also what size should I go with and color? 6" wide for each stripe, in white? or black? I have the bright red grand prix. Or maybe 10" wide for each stripe....... Please help......... I saw the blue cutlass with the stripes but its not enough of a idea with my GP, I really need to see pics of things first before I have a general idea, because my imagination sucks.



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I need pictures of grand prix's with racing stripes, trying to get an idea for my 93. Also what size should I go with and color? 6" wide for each stripe, in white? or black? I have the bright red grand prix...

Did you see the few I made?: http://www.w-body.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17750


I think white looks good with the red. 6" stripes would look too skinny; go with something like 10" or 12". Consider vinyl stripes; they're easier to do and not permanent.

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yeah stripes is a good idea for prix's. they look good with certain kinds of stripes. i would go with 10" or bigger in white. black would look nice, but white stands out more.

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no, just no




and if for some reason you decide to do stripes, do it right and get it painted....stay away from the vinyl ones...



Theres a sunfire conv. that was in my apartment complex the other day. He did paint his racing stripes on, but it looked like spray paint. Also, from about 25 ft. away, you could tell he probably did it in his backyard. The tape lines were crooked as hell :lol:

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and if for some reason you decide to do stripes, do it right and get it painted....stay away from the vinyl ones...

Painting does look the best. If you decide later that you don't want them however, it's going to be hard to get rid of them.


Vinyl can look like crap if not done right. Stay away from the pre-made ones. Unless they're put on a flat surface, they aren't going to line up where you want them to. They best way to do it is to mask them off on the car and then trace them on to some kind of paper. With these patterns, you'll see that what looks straight on the car is slightly curved when flattened out. Take the patterns to a shop that makes vinyl graphics. They need to be applied correctly too; there's been lots of magazine articles on the subject.

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"Racing" stripes are for RICERS


Where did you get that information?? When do you ever see a RICER nowadays with racing stripes....funny graffics yes, but not racing stripes.


Of course you must have missed the whole 70s and 80s to know that racing stripes were the popular choice for muscle cars such as F-bodies and Chevelles. :roll:

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Stay away from vinyl stripes. Applying a straight roll of vinyl to a contoured surface is garunteed to look like ass. Your stripes will "wander" and it will end up looking terrible. Not to mention the vinyl will look like crap in a couple years.

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paint your stripes on, vinyl looks like shit after a few years. I've done hood stripes at home. take your time, lay out and mask everything good, and use a high quality spray paint or compressor and automotive paint you will have gool results.

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Painting is not a option. I'm not paying that much to do it, plus I can't do it unless I buy a $300 compressor, $100 gun, then paint and stuff. I don't see what the big deal would be applying vinyl to the surface anyways, even with the contours, as long as a person takes his time, it shouldn't be too serious. My only main scare is the B4U Bumpers on my car, a lot of bumps there. There's also different types of vinyl, so I wouldn't be buying the real cheap stuff. More than likely, the marine grade vinyl.

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Gearhead's car is a fine example of stickers gone wrong.



Ohh well... I didn't expect Canadains to like NASCAR anyway...it's an American Sport...


Some just don't have a clue :?

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I'm not a big NASCAR fan either [except for Richard Petty], but Dave's car sure looks a hell of lot better then that bastardized rainbow one that pops up on eBay every month. :shock:

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I'm not a big NASCAR fan either [except for Richard Petty], but Dave's car sure looks a hell of lot better then that bastardized rainbow one that pops up on eBay every month. :shock:


ROTFL :lol: :lol:

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