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Razzi front ground effects!!!


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Could someone photo shop the front razzi ground effect onto a pic of the tgp. if at all possible make it red or black? im interested to know what this would even look like. thanks for any help.


Check out Razzi.com for the ground effect pic.

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I checked out the Website and looked at the non-turbo Grand Prix fitted with the effects. Can you say butt-freakin' ugly??!!!! Why would anyone want to mess with the beautiful lines of the TGP? The photos make the car look like an offspring of a Grand Prix and Transformer robot. Reminds me of those gay Hondas I see driving around town with all the plastic attached to them. DON'T DO THIS TO YOUR CAR, MAN!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I know that the front valence ground effects on them are very rare, and they break easy. So a lot of car's have them broken/missing. Becuz of this maybe a new kit would be a lot cheaper to buy.

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Sounds like a business idea for someone out there in TGP land. What about you guys is southern Cal? There are a lot of kit car manufacturers out there. It seems that one of these companies could get a good front end, make a template, and mass produce these for us TGP owners who have cracked lower valance (sp?) panels.

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Sounds like a business idea for someone out there in TGP land. What about you guys is southern Cal? There are a lot of kit car manufacturers out there. It seems that one of these companies could get a good front end, make a template, and mass produce these for us TGP owners who have cracked lower valance (sp?) panels.


I am stupid enough to be that business man :lol: Sunk a ton of dough into TGP parts before they got too deleted from stock. Bought 10 of them that someday owners will be very happy they are available and not in the crusher/what GM does with discontinued parts :cry: I still need to get out of them what I put into them, or the wife will kill me, but for now this still shows a dealer stocked item, part number 12522768. tgpguy21, you live out in the country boy :lol: call a dealer and have them give you a quote, retail is still up there at $183.


Jeff M

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Guest TurboSedan
call a dealer and have them give you a quote, retail is still up there at $183.


Jeff M


wow, considering the dealer wants over 1G for the radiator, i'm surprised the valance isn't $1183!


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call a dealer and have them give you a quote, retail is still up there at $183.


Jeff M


wow, considering the dealer wants over 1G for the radiator, i'm surprised the valance isn't $1183!



Don't get me started too :lol: When I put together this 12 page exel spread sheet, I bout died finding the prices on some of this shit!!! Simple aero trim over wheels is at $240 to $340, and no longer available, some stuff insane, other like the valance not too bad, other pretty decent if that's possible. Last I checked all the front and rear bumper fascia, grilled hood and all side aero is gone, time to clean the junk yards and be ready on eBay to help out, less you need it :P .


Jeff M

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Wow, I guess I'm lucky I got my valence when I did. It was only $120.

I didn't think it would be discontinued already since it's the same one that was used on 91-93 GP's as well... although I guess those cars are really really old now too.

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$180 and $120? You guys got them from the dealership for that price? Dang i was thinkin they would run like $500-$600. Ima call the dealership here tomorrow then and see what they say. I know that the other Gp's in this year range had a kit like this but none of them had the valance that hung down this low did they?

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Yep, $120, I can't remember if I bought it locally or from Dal Slabaugh at Vandevere.

Yes, 91-93 Grand Prix's with B4U had the exact same lower valence.

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I said the bumper/front and rear fascia and side aero was discontinued last I checked, maybe a few floating around at other dealers, but the lower valance IS still available from the part number I showed as well as Shawn said/quoted :) , and that price you got was NOT the price for one of these, they must have goofed and found/thought it was the entire front bumper/fascia assembly!


Jeff M

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now do you know if they still make all of those parts? I talked to the guy at the Gm dealership today and he said they would have to get it from a vintage place or something like that :think: . If these numbers are still accurate thanks for the info everyone.

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Just plug them into GMPartsDirect and see if anything comes up.

If nothing comes up, plug it into partsvoice.com and see if there's a superceded #. If there's a superceded #, plug that into GMPD and see if anything comes up. If negative to both, then it's safe to say you can't get it anymore. If a price pulls up, you can buy.

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tgpguy21, uhhhhh, pay attention :evil: :lol: If you are without a lower valance, then you are all set, a dealer available item, prices quoted to you, any GM dealer can get this if they make an effort. The side panels in the pic/your car should still be there just fine, as well as the nuts and bolts as those pretty much stay on after a valance is ripped off, if not then don't get high-dollar dealer fasteners, just go to a hardware for this, and make sure to get what they call Fender Washer, big wide ass bitches that will help get your new valance flat to the lower Fascia, and keep it flat over the years as it relaxes. As for the center support, something GM came up with later to help the drooping effect of the valance being smashed against a curb and held there while someone goes shopping (or whatever) or cruises at high speeds for long periods of time :twisted: . Nice to add but not required to install this one part/lower valance.


Hurry up and get it, my fingers are getting tired :lol: !


Jeff M

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why would u ever wanna put a body kit on a TGP???? They are to beautiful as it is! :D


Took the words out my mouth..That would look unique,but I'd keep the body stock..The engine on the other hand,would get modified...

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