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Tape stuck in tape deck of the GTP. Can't eject it. Have tried several methods...raising it up with various tools, trying to yank it out like a dead tooth, etc. etc. Nothing works. Don't really want to hear the previous owner's music every time I turn on the head unit for the rest of my life. Anyone else ever had this problem and got the tape out? :confused:


The only way I was able to remove a stuck tape from the tape deck was to take the radio out and remove the faceplate.


I've read some people took the unit out but that it gave no additional access to the tape, so I hadn't tried to do that yet. I don't care if I break the tape, either, I just don't want to damage the head unit cos it's like new.


I just so happening to be working on a CD player today, and with the faceplace off you have quite a bit of room. Picture with the faceplate off. It's not the same as a tape, but you get the idea...





Looks like I've got something to do on the weekend then....sigh. Was hoping just to yank it right out the front!:roll:

Looks like I've got something to do on the weekend then....sigh. Was hoping just to yank it right out the front!:roll:



Chaos, any chance you can snap some PICs of the removal process? I haven't had the space/time to take mine out, but it would be nice to see what's in ahead of me.:think:

Chaos, any chance you can snap some PICs of the removal process? I haven't had the space/time to take mine out, but it would be nice to see what's in ahead of me.:think:


If its for a Cutlass the removal process is straight forward. 5 screws around the gauge cluster bezel, and then that pops off, unplug head light switch, a few 8mm bolts or screws that hold the radio bracket on.

Nah it's a 90 Grand Prix Turbo, totally different dash setup.


It's super easy on a TGP. Remove the panel under the steering wheel (3 bolts I think), open the glove box and swing the door down for more room, two bolts on either side of the bezel. Slide that out, and then you can unbolt the radio and do what you need to.


Didn't get to it this weekend, other project held me up. I will make a video for those who want it as a reference when I do the work. Seems there is one bolt or screw on the underside front of the radio, which is basically blocked out by the center console extension, is that one that's going to need to come out?


M TGP does this sometimes too, I have found almost always without fail that this works.


Power off tape deck


Power on tape deck and hit eject as soon as possible.


Repeat, this usually works on the second or third try for me.


Mine had the same problem, too. I just pulled the head unit apart and got the tape out. I replaced the head unit with another early 90's GP tape deck. It's not too bad. Once you get the bezel off it, there are 2 10mm nuts at the bottom, facing down. You can get them off easily, then just pull it towards you. The top is just held in with a couple clips that should pop right off. Be careful of the wires. Mine had an already jacked up antenna wire, which is now toast.


fortunately you can replace that pretty easy. it has a connector right on the passenger side


Can you elaborate on that?


I have looked for the connector before but never found it. I need to replace my antenna wire.

fortunately you can replace that pretty easy. it has a connector right on the passenger side


Thanks, Chris. I haven't looked too deep into it yet. I assume it's somewhere between the deck and the door? Maybe behind the glove box? I got a new power antenna too, and the connectors there didn't match up. I cut a finish nail and stuck it in that connector as a pin.

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