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trying my hand at clear corners new pics page 2


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you all know how to do it so i'm not going into full detail but i'm trying to make my own clear corners here are some pics . before you guys go and tell me that it looks like dog shit remember its a rough try just trying to figure some things out before i make a good set here are some pics




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from reading other posts if they don't look factory they look like dog shit . I'M not using florescent light covers for the insert like some other people do i tried it it looked bad so i;m trying my own method using genuine lumina headlight :lol: but seriously i'm using a headlight lens that i had laying around. i have allot of work ahead of me to make them look good .

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Well you are fucking with an automotive masterpiece created by the fine engineers at GM. The W-body is a beautiful vehicle as it sits and should not be tampered with! :joke:


No but seriously, they look nice. You should take some wider shots to see how they look with the rest of the car.

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thanks for all the kind comments


they are not on the car right now and this set prolly will never be on a car. the lenses are way to messed up these are just ones that i had laying around to get good at then it's off to pull a part to buy a few sets and if i can make them look good i'll sell a few on here in a couple months .

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i'm also working on a set of clear corners for the cutlass vert they are a little bit more harder to make but i talked to a guy to day that has a vacuum forming machine and said that he would make me what ever i needed if i rebuilt the engine in his 67 nova so i might be able to sell a few of those to. just gotta figure some stuff out. Before i make the cutty vert lenses i want to make clear tailights for the lumina . So i hope to know something by the end of next week if anybody is interested in lenses for the lumina or the cutty let me know . and i will start working on them if i like the guys quality and i can find the materials that i need . I plan on selling the lumina lenses for 40 a set and the cutty lenses for 50 a set

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id be interested in cutty corners depending on if i have a job when your selling

i have to talk to the guy tomorrow and prolly wouldn't be selling them till late December early January or even later. but when i do the wonderful people on w body will have first dibs on them .

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I'd modify them using some recycled clear reflector material. HINT: look at the reflectors hidden in gen 1 lumina taillights.


but the sandblasting looked good!

thanks k, I'll have to split a set apart the next time i'm at pull a part

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so i finished making the set using the headlight and they sucked so i came on here earlier and seen k's suggestion and tried it so heres some pics be nice these are still a rough set and are not really together. the lens inside is being held together by masking tape.








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they look great!...and i'd deffinatly be interested in the cutlass clear corners :willynilly: , ive been wanting some since i bought the car haha


I have an extra pair, that I have been wanting to clear, But I have no idea how to do it.

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thanks for the honest opinions . i am currently finishing up the first set of lumina lights . i should be getting the cutty lenses from my guy next week some time then i will start to make them. he is making me five sets so if i can make them look good i will prolly sell four of the five sets on here . so i will let everyone know in the next few weeks. Also are there any other cars the you guys and gals would like clear corners made for . just let me know

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If you start making the Lumina lights Il prolly be in for 4 sets, depending on the price.


i'm making the lumina lights for sure . they are gonna be 40 dollars a set

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