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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2020 in Posts

  1. Human

    '95 CS convertible fails to upshift in turns

    I took the 'vert out for a sunset run this evening and it's never run better. Shifting is so smooth, I can hardly feel it, even though I can hear it and see the evidence of it on the tachometer. Even though I didn't replace the vacuum line to the modulator—it still has the original hard line—I must have gotten it seated better than it had been when I buttoned things back up after this afternoon's aborted attempt to replace it. At this point, I'm quite content to let things ride, no pun intended.
    1 point
  2. rich_e777

    '95 CS convertible fails to upshift in turns

    As your attorney I would advise you to replace the vacuum hose to the modulator as well, maybe even give that a shot before replacing the component. You might try adding some heat to the area around that bolt to get it to loosen up too, or a 6ft piece of metal pipe around your wrench. Sometimes you can use an additional combo wrench of a similar size to use as a breaker bar as well, old mechanic trick thats hands down guaranteed to either bust the bolt/nut loose or bust your knuckle against something hard. Or punch yourself in the face, I`ll never forget when I did that to myself. I was so pissed off and had no one to hit back. Still looking for that 3/4 combo in the woods too.
    1 point
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