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transmission modulator check valve


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so i have heard alot bout this check valve on the modulator for the trans vacuum line and if its bad it may have erratic shifts or or maybe clunk into reverse well i looked at mine and sombody had replaced it with a after market modulator valve and took out the check valve does anybody no where i could get one?

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Go to your local auto parts store and look in the HELP! section. It is in a green box, HELP! #47150.


This is how it NEEDS to be installed:


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so i got the check valve it doesnt make sense in my head how it wrks it seals it for the vacuum but wouldnt it lose boost if u hooked it up like the picture im so confused

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Put it in your mouth and suck :lol: on it. The end you can pull air thru

goes to the vacuum supply. The other end(s) go to accessories.

no.... not on a TGP. regular car, yes.



this is a vent. it prevents the vacuum modulator from seeing boost by venting positive pressure. and it is not enough to let all the boost out :lol:


the end you can suck air out of hangs loose. the other side goes to a rubber T that links to the modulator and the steel feed line.

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thats wat i was wondering that makes sense i guess i was just worried i was gonna lose boost but otherwise i understand hw the system works an easy way to get the modulater out with all the oil return itn the way in such i havent really dicked with it i have had other things to do but if anybody knows a easier way i would be interested to no

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so the check valve solved a few problems it shifted better into reverse for alil bit now its downshifting really hard again and i checked the check valve junk i was wondering why it was running like shit again so i gotta take that back tomrrow and im also having a problem at wot it dosent like to shift into 3rd if i let off the gas slightly it will shift anybody have any ideas?

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the tv cable needs to be adjusted. just press in the black square button next to the tb bracket kind of behind the plenum with a screwdriver or something while turning the linkage wide open and it should adjust it out to where you see the little teeth.


if done right this should make the tranny shift sooner. is your motor mount blown out too? does the motor wobble around when you shift from r to d and back with your foot on the brake?

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i replaced the check valve and its better and adjusted the tv cable its better still doesnt want to shift without leten slightly off the gas and now i think my reverse is shot cuz it slips in reverse

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wtf! im really starten to regret buying this car and i really like it and its caracter kinda chaps my ass

Haha! And so it begins...

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