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Welp...it was fun while it lasted...**sigh**


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:cry: Yesterday as I was driving, my "check engine soon" light came on, then went off, then came on, then went off, then came on and stayed on. So I shut the car off for 30 seconds and started it back up to reset the computer ( a common thing for me to do when I get a light) and the light stayed on. The only thing that I noticed "weird" is that when I started it up...it was at 2100 rpms for about 15 seconds before dropping down to 900rpms and it NEVER EVER does that, not when it's warm. So this morning I went out and checked all the fluids and stared at the engine for a while to see if I could notice anything out of place. I had NO power steering fluid (and it's a new pump) and my coolant was low. The coolant was low because of a leak around a hose so I tightened the clamp and it's fine now. Oil good, tranny fluid good. I heard a weird clicking sound on the left side (passenger side) of the engine, almost like...and I know this sounds werid...like when someone is welding! And I smelled something electrically hot...a funny hot smell. Sigh. So I parked it until I can get someone to look at it. Like I said it runs fine but it's still doing that 2100 at warm start thing still. At least with that light on, it might throw a code. That's all I have for now. Just giving you an update.



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Check for codes!

It's bad when the car has problems, but if it has a problem that sets the "Check Engine" light, that's a good thing! It means the ECM knows what the problem is (or it thinks it does) so you (or the mechanic) doesn't have to hunt and guess at the problem.


Here's my info on checking for codes:



Let me know if that's not clear. If you find any codes (other than 12), let me know and I'll look it up.

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well what if you keep getting a map sensor fault and you and 2 dealers before you changed the map sensor, I personally changed the vaccume lines, then the dealer said the ecu was bad (def diagnosis) I put in an ecu and the same thing! aarrrrrrggggggg! I had to take out the light bulb to go through inspection. Passed with flying colors so I have a year to figure it out again.

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