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question about mandsproduction.com


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Guest TurboSedan

jeez this sux. i only met Shane once when i dropped off one of my TGP crossovers to be rebuilt (he lives about 1.5 hrs from me). he seemed like a real nice guy and seemed to know what he was doing. but this customer service crap just totally got out of hand, ecspecially when most of his sales are thru forums (just guessing).


i won't be paying for the crossover until i see the finished product tho, i can tell you that much. as far as i know, he hasn't started it yet, which is fine with me since i probably won't have the funds to pick it up until August anyway :(


c'mon Shane - REPLY!


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Shane called me...


He will be making a new intake and getting the welds looking the best that he can. Sending me pics to see if I like it.


Also offered me a full refund if I wanted it.


This is what I like...things are getting done now.

I have always understood that there was other circumstances that added to this problem, but I still feel that something should have been done.

When this is done and over with, I will be happy.



He also said that he is back up online now.

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That's great news, but no matter what, I still hate dealing with companies/individuals where you gotta light a fire under their ass to get any results.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, so it seems as tho the saga will continue.


As I had mentioned on June 11th, Shane Finally called be back. Said that he would make up another intake, take pictures of it, and send them to me so I can decide on the intake.


And I have not heard anything since.

So, I e-mailed him a reminder that I am still waiting on the new intake pics. I sent that e-mail on june 23rd. And I still have nothing back.


I ordered this intake on april 4th, and I still do not have a good product.

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Guest TurboSedan

Shane - i remembered you posted a reply in another forum that my TGP crossover is done. can you PM me the price? i'd like to check it out before shelling out bucks and maybe you can test fit it on your TGP. can you send me the price/details/pics of my TGP crossover to debaser@vcn.com ? otherwise i can come down and check it out on the way to Denver sometime soon. unfortunately i'm strapped for cash at the moment, but i have some extra TGP parts if you are interested for trade (?). let me know.


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you got an e-mail reply? Cuz I'm still waiting on all the e-mail that I have sent him...



And later this week, I will be registering on all of the GM and w-body board, groups, and site that I can find...


Letting everyone know..


Might seem like a little excess, but you know what...What happen today with the phone call...nuff said. He should have called back by now.


Well i will tell you this. He could sue your a$$ for slander and harrasment expecialy if his terms are AS IS. To me you are the Customer from hell and if you still dont want that pipe send it my way cuz i will gladly take it off your hands Regardless of how "Bad" the welds look. Its not a freakin Pacaso ya know. And you can alwasy buy Walmart "AUTO" paint and give it a tuchup. OR cover it up with inslation.

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First thing the guy said was "Jesus, who did this"


I told him, his answer was "Tell that guy he's a fuc king monkey."


So...end result. It will cost me minimum $80CDN+tax to get it redone.

And that's ONLY if he has something that has to be done the same colour to throw it in with.


Said that the way it was put together, something about over lap, you cannot just grind the welds.


The part would have to be sand blasted, broken apart, rewelded properly, and recoated.


But hey, some good news is, he said that he could almost deffinatly replicate the part a hell of a lot cheaper then what he is selling it for...


So if that isn't enuf to get Shanes ass in Gear, I don't know what is.


"Businesses, like individuals, must take care not to commit defamation. A business is entitled to be free from interference by false claims or statements made by competitors or individuals with respect to the quality or title to their property. In other words, a business may have a claim for defamation and be entitled to damages if a competitor or individual makes untrue statements about the business's products."


....."Also remember that the requirement of "publication" does not necessarily mean distribution of a magazine, newspaper or television broadcast. For the purposes of a defamation claim, publication means that you have made a statement about someone else , either in writing, orally or by electronic media, that is received by at least one other person. "


If Shane really did label all his products AS IS, or somehow described and showed pics of how the product is/was (in other words, if you can see how the welds look on pics posted around the boards or pics he sent you BEFORE you bought it), then he has some rights as a business.


Im not taking sides just incase your wondering. I personally don't know Shane nor have ever done business with him. I do know he has responsibilites as a business to ship products in a REASONABLE amount of time since he received payment. He also has the responsibility to CUSTOMER SERVICE or some disgruntled customer *ahem....* could report him to the Better Business Bureu or something like that.......

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you got an e-mail reply? Cuz I'm still waiting on all the e-mail that I have sent him...



And later this week, I will be registering on all of the GM and w-body board, groups, and site that I can find...


Letting everyone know..


Might seem like a little excess, but you know what...What happen today with the phone call...nuff said. He should have called back by now.


Well i will tell you this. He could sue your a$$ for slander and harrasment expecialy if his terms are AS IS. To me you are the Customer from hell and if you still dont want that pipe send it my way cuz i will gladly take it off your hands Regardless of how "Bad" the welds look. Its not a freakin Pacaso ya know. And you can alwasy buy Walmart "AUTO" paint and give it a tuchup. OR cover it up with inslation.


yes, but you can't hide and hope the problem (customer complaint) goes away. Come on now, that's why I got out of management.

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The part that I purchased was not on a "as is" condition. Also, I have talked to him, and he does seem like a nice guy...he said he would take care of it, and I'm hoping that he still will.


I know that he has been hit with a bunch of circumstances that would case things to slow a little...but there is a limit to that someone will tolerate. I feel that all that has happen is way past my level of tolerance, but I am still keeping with it, and hope that this ends well.


I don't want to have to write this stuff, but it has to be said. Other people have to know that they are not dealing with a serious business as the site and name of mandsproductions puts forth. You are dealing with Shane. A guy who has the parts built for him (he told me that he doesn't even do the welding) and that anything in his everyday life can cause your part to take months.


And as Ouija has noted, I am not the only one.


Getting me to part with my money is a hard thing to do sometimes. And I am very proud of my car. If I am going to pop the hood and show people what I have, if I were to once hear "oh, what's with the intake, the welds..." I would prolly loose it.


So I am not going to install the intake so that I do not damage it in anyway. So that the time that Shane and I come to an arrangement, he will get 100% exactly what he sent me. I even have a friend here that is willing to buy it, and I will mention that to shane when he contacts me. (My friend does not take as much pride in his car, he just wants to go faster)


I'm sick of people telling me that I am teh customer from hell...and he should sue me. I would like those people to come forward and tell me that they have settled for EVERYTHING that they didn't like. But took it anyway just because. I'm in Canada, where this $161.80US intake actually cost me $265.35CDN, and the $23CDN customs charge. And took me along time to get it and the filter. Why would I settle. I settle for alot of things in life because I cannot change them, but this is dealing with my car.


sonyman87 and malibuolds, my money is just as good as your is. Maybe I just have higher standards then you.

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Guest TurboSedan
sonyman87 and malibuolds, my money is just as good as your is. Maybe I just have higher standards then you.




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Sounds to me like sonyman87 hasn't been around here long enough to lecture on defamation of charactor or harrassment.


What you driving sonyman87 or are you a forum basher with alot of opinion?


A man who makes a purchase in good faith has a right to receive that purchase in good order or be re-embursed. lolumz34 is trying to get a good pipe from the company and has been patiently (though not happily) trying to work with said company rather than just dumpng them for re-embursement.


lolumz34, Josh isn't sticking up for Shane, he's just bummed cause he found Shane to be a likeable person. We'd all like to see this end well. But....I do think Shane needs to stop taking orders until he can figure out how to fill the ones he has already received money for.


Hear that Shane? You can save your business and rep here on the board but you have to open up, talk to us and be honest. You're screwed because you got canned, no welder...okay but ya got to be totally up front. Right now no one is going to chance it. I wouldn't go any further with my present car but that TGP dream is just waiting for Nellie to croak.

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Guest RedCutlassSL

i have to agree, sonyman, you are way too new to be pissing anyone off or trying to throw your weight around. which, btw, being new, you have no weight.



for example, i can say ismellrealbad sucks donkey balls, and no one will care.

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A simple picture of the defective product would have helped alot.

Also i Do have my own opinions and I know i should probably have stayed out if it but i just wanted to help out if i could.


Yes to This particular messageboard i am a new member but that dosnt mean im cluseless about some things. I have been Member of the gmforums wbody page for some time.


Things would probably sound better for you if you would explain the situation a little better instead of slinging mud about the customer service. I have talked with some people and they talked like it wasnt a company but a guy who took personal orders and filled them in his spare time. A Handcrafted job. Not a shiney bigname company. This is why i figured it was as is and there was no warrenty

I hope you did see the word "IF" in my last post I was giving myself a way out incase i was wrong about it. and sorry if i came off a little rash


Just a thought, if you took that much pride and joy in your ride why did you settle for the cheapest thing you can find, and not the few dollars more for the namebrand you know will look nice? Its almost like going to the salvation army for cloths and complaining about a hole in a shirt.


Im sure you would like to ream my a$$ with mud about these comments but i am new hear so go for it. I would like to see and understand what each individual is really like in this place.


Goodluck with the new Zcold air intake i hope its everything you wanted. and i hope you do well at your shows.


Also furthermore I hope this company (if there is such one) takes a little more responisbily with its customers. *none of my business* just opinions remember.


you asked what i drove.

I do take alot of pride in my ride.

95 chevy lumina ls

but with 149xxx miles on it i will sacrifice looks for the cheaper deal. that is until i relpace the moter then i will definaly be more picky with what goes under the hood. 0 miles on the dash would be awesome!

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I actually did take some pics, I'm just waiting to get them online.


It's not that I took the cheapest thing...I took the only thing. He is the only one that makes this product.


And I have listed the whole situation.


Situation is:

I ordered and paid.

I got the part alot longer after I expected it

Not everything was shipped to me

I sent some emails about the missing parts and my problem with the part

The emails were answered about the missing part, but nothing about how I didn't like the welds.

I sent more emails about the welds

he did not answer any of them

So I sent more

he did not answer

so I located his phone#

He would not return messages

so I called and sent more emails

still nothing

eventually one day he called back

said he would make another one better and I could swap them

still have heard nothing

sent more emails

still nothing back.


But this is all since april 4th.

So it's been a while.

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See, I knew there had to be some kind of social fallout from watching "Fear Factor." Next there'll be forums of people who get off sleeping in beds of cold slimey worms or cow eyeball eaters anonymous.

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