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Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

the sad thing is that no matter how pissed off i am at this car, no matter how much i want it to be out of my sight becuase i cant stand the POS, i'll always come crawing back to it like some sort of battered wife in a domestic abuse relationship.

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You sell it to anyone else around there, they'll have NO clue what kind of car they have, nor will they care.


"Now this here is a rare limited-edition Richard Pett-" "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Give me the keys."


Say hello to rust, dents, smoking in the interior, rare oil changes, and general abuse. You might think right now that the car deserves all that, but how would you feel about all your hard work going straight down the shitter?


You ever think there's a reason we're all getting on you for wanting to get rid of this thing? Not only is it a special car, but we've all seen how much work you've put into it.

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you're so inept with cars that you should ditch the car and buy something brand new with a warranty so if it breaks we don't have to hear about it :lol:



I actually said the exact same thing back when he was wanting to get a hybrid Ford sumptin' or other.


Ross, I don't know why you'd be mad at the car, correct me if I'm wrong, but it sure sounds like you did everything wrong.


1. Did you generously lube up the weatherstripping on the door with silicone grease before winter started? Sounds like you didn't. You ALWAYS need to lube up the weatherstripping at the start of every winter!


2. Did you actually PULL on the door handles? I'm going to bet you did. If so, OF COURSE they're going to break! They're only strong enough for you to open the door given there's no resistance. If they are frozen shut and you apply ANY force to them, they're going to break, I would think any experienced W-body owner could tell you that. You should have tried hot water and de-icer, and if the door still won't open with very little force, give it up and hail a cab.


3. Denting the car, now that's just ridiculous. Now you've probably caused about $500 worth of bodywork because of problems you brought upon yourself by either 1) neglecting to lube the seals and/or 2) applying excessive force to the handles.


I guarantee the doors would be a lot less likely to freeze shut when well lubed, and W-body door handles WILL NOT BREAK when handled properly. In 12yrs of W-body ownership, I have never broken a door handle, not even when I neglected the lube and they ended up freezing shut.

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Is it possible the older handles were more sturdy then the newer ones? I've WAILED on my driver side a few times because of a frozen door, and its not bent at all. Still works like the day I got it. :)

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Doubtful. I think you just got lucky. My TGP had a broken door handle when I got it. Back when my 89 belonged to my stepdad, he broke the driver side door handle.


You just should not EVER pull the weight of the door with the handle.

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I disagree that plastic door handles break off easier.....I'm positive I could pull all my weight on my dad's Volvo or my mom's Acura door handles and they would not break.

eh I think it depends on the car/design of the handle. I almost broke off both drivers side door handles the other day, since MY doors were frozen too. I ended up bodyslamming/hip checking the door to break the ice free so i could open one door. Then once inside, I poped the other doors open. I also broke the door handle off a Dodge Avenger that was on a dealer lot. The guy said it was cracked to begin with. lol

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My driver side catches sometimes lately, then it will work really good for a while. Its not frozen shut, it just takes a few pulls and I gotta kind of snap it or flick it and the door will pop open. a while ago I bought a can of STP silicone spray from Autozone and sprayed all the rubber seals and sprayed it all over the latch and worked it back and forth while pulling on the handle. It helped for a while and is now catching. I think I will just buy a new set of them from the dealership.


Damn, lasted 5 years until now with no problems on either door. oh well

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I reiterate. My 91 CS vert cost me $40 to buy. Why? The owner had broken both door handles, and choose to leave the top down whenever he was not in the car... rain, sun sleet, of nuclear winter. You need to lub the weatherstriping, and the latch mechansim.


I also plan to add some wires that splice into the passenger window motor(easiest to splice becasue they travel outside the door), that will dead end under the hood. Cap them to keep them dry. If I ever get locked out of the vert, I simply have to crawl beneath the bumper, pop the hood, and take the wires and make contact with the battery to roll down the power window. And I'm in.

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I'm sure it's all just a "give me attention" type ordeal. I'm betting he didn't kick it, and if he did, I hope he does get rid of it. That car does not deserve to be beaten and abused in such ways.

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Guest Anonymous

no i kicked it, i just wasn't around to get a picture of it. I messed up the b4u molding on the other side as well when i tryed to get the door open, but that bent back into shape. Its old, i really don't care anymore, its there to get me back and forth to the train station, if it gets beat into the ground, it gets beat into the ground.

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no i kicked it, i just wasn't around to get a picture of it. I messed up the b4u molding on the other side as well when i tryed to get the door open, but that bent back into shape. Its old, i really don't care anymore, its there to get me back and forth to the train station, if it gets beat into the ground, it gets beat into the ground.


So that's why you spent an assload of money to have mechanics swap in a different engine and so forth, when you could have just bought a newer car??

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Does anyone really belive these cars will be worth somthing someday?


Not really.



But.. what about cars like G-bodies which now seem to have some sort of "value", maybe not much but losers like some of us consider them cool. :oops:

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no i kicked it, i just wasn't around to get a picture of it. I messed up the b4u molding on the other side as well when i tryed to get the door open, but that bent back into shape. Its old, i really don't care anymore, its there to get me back and forth to the train station, if it gets beat into the ground, it gets beat into the ground.


So that's why you spent an assload of money to have mechanics swap in a different engine and so forth, when you could have just bought a newer car??



yeah..what he said

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