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Gas Prices?


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there's nothing that i hate more than american ignorance....no offense to everyone else.


no offense taken. i agree most americans are igorant, however by saying that you have just voided your entire argument. You disproved a stereotype and then added in your own. Im just posting to point that out


Yeah, you know you're right about that. but, in general, it's a fairly accurate representation. (You know that Canada is touted as "america junior" and up here, in our american history classes, we've been taught about how the media is so biased in the states that it's almost impossible to see both sides of a story these days, people are only exposed to what they want you to see, which is not always the truth.) As opposed to the other stereotype which is nowhere near accurate...i've seen more tents in Canada than i have in egypt...

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Guest RedCutlassSL

George (Dubya) Bush is a very good person, and a very president. Since he has taken office he has had to deal with 9-11, the war in Afganistan, the shuttle breakup, and Iraq. I must say he has and is doing a very good job. I am so fed up with these war protesters. They are all ignorant. If it wasn't for this country going to war when needed, they wouldn't be able to protest. That needs to be pounded into there pacifist head.

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I think it's wrong that he uses 9-11 as an excuse to go after Sadaam he hasn't done a thing and we have not found any weapons either. He has totally fu*ked up the economy just like his daddy and all his plans are gonna do is put the U.S in deppression. He is has got be one of the stupidest people who ever walk the face of the earth, :confused: I hope he gets his ass kicked right the fu#k out of the White House next election :lol:

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OK, well see GWB isn't exactly the smartest individual in my eyes but he's got a lot of intelligence working with him and around him. so of course he's going to be able to handle 9-11 and everything else because if he can't handle it himself his people are going to help him....that's their job. However, Saddam is nuts too.....he's done a lot of ridiculous and outrageous things to his people, etc.. but there shouldn't be a war against Iraq because of saddam....because we ALL know that Iraq is going to lose a lot of innocent civilians and the US probably won't get to saddam...if they wanted saddam they probably could have got him a long time ago...changing the government is what needs to happen in Iraq, not war.

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Guest RedCutlassSL

We had the chance to take out Saddam during the Persian Gulf, a bomber was was locked and loaded and could have done it. The government knew what building he was in, and it wasn't one of his look a likes. However, assassination wasn't a goal during that war, and the US won't assassinate leaders. At least not in a way that would draw attention. Bush is not using 9-11 as an excuse to go after Saddam. Bush is going after Saddam because he possesses WOMD and has broken many treaties and is not following the resolutions he should be. Oldsmobeast, how do you think the government in Iraq is going to be changed? Do you think Saddam will just step down and say, here, take over. Only war will change the leadership.


As for Bush ruining the economy, thats bullshit. Our economy had be running strong and growing for years. Just like everything else, the economy runs in cycles of ups and downs. So don't blame it on him. Thats weak and pathetic.

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I yi yi... can't you see the little smily? also if you check the popualtion density... the middle east as a whole tends to be either major metro areas or next to no people at all.... where as the U.S. is spead pretty soldily with people.... I remark may have been alittle off color... but it was still accurate none the less....



sorry if I offended you... but it was not ment to be derogitory..it was more like a wise crack in reguards to the steriotype...

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you know I re read you comment and I decided to clearify alittle more.....the oil in the middle easter area are in typicly unihabited or very little people.... where as the oil we have in the us is under major metro areas.... places that would cause BIG problems if it were to collaps from the lack of support ... also I did not say anything derogitory about middle eastern people or the area..... which would be out of steriotype for an american...you on the other hand decided to start name calling and acting imperialistic ( eg my family has this and I am insulted that you might infer other wise) which is considered a common steriotype for middle eastern men....although I have no clue weather you are a man or woman.



So like I said if you took offence sorry... but next time.... try to look at what I'm saying ..before you go off.... knee jerk reactions have caused wars over simple misunderstandings...




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oh yea... one last reply.... egypt is also known for having alot more money and industrialization then the rest of the middle east... if you went to iran, iraq or afganistan, or a few of the others...would see that a majority of the people live in tents or other portible home structures... due mostly to living a nomadic lifestyle... and no nomadic does not mean... stupid or backwards.... it simply means that for various reasons... weather it be enviromental, governmental, or social... they move around alot and choose to build temporary homes rather the waste resourses on somthing they can't take with them...

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oh yea... one last reply.... egypt is also known for having alot more money and industrialization then the rest of the middle east... if you went to iran, iraq or afganistan, or a few of the others...would see that a majority of the people live in tents or other portible home structures... due mostly to living a nomadic lifestyle... and no nomadic does not mean... stupid or backwards.... it simply means that for various reasons... weather it be enviromental, governmental, or social... they move around alot and choose to build temporary homes rather the waste resourses on somthing they can't take with them...


have you ever been to iran? ooh! i have! it's actually a lot like egypt. might be poorer but most of what i saw involved people living in buildings...ie apartements? but whatever i know what you mean....don't worry about it. as for the little comment about how to change governments Redcutlass, i really think that assassinating Saddam will draw much less attention than killing innocent people, even if u can cover it up. We're talking about killing one person to avoid killing thousands

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you know I re read you comment and I decided to clearify alittle more.....the oil in the middle easter area are in typicly unihabited or very little people.... where as the oil we have in the us is under major metro areas.... places that would cause BIG problems if it were to collaps from the lack of support ... also I did not say anything derogitory about middle eastern people or the area..... which would be out of steriotype for an american...you on the other hand decided to start name calling and acting imperialistic ( eg my family has this and I am insulted that you might infer other wise) which is considered a common steriotype for middle eastern men....although I have no clue weather you are a man or woman.



So like I said if you took offence sorry... but next time.... try to look at what I'm saying ..before you go off.... knee jerk reactions have caused wars over simple misunderstandings...





yah, well like i said...i get u now...and i doubt that we're going to be starting any wars on a W-Body Forum so take it easy buddy....

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I have been to alot of places ..but not Iran... on the other hand my friend Victor who is egyptian goes to iran quite abit on missonary work...so I take what I know from him...that being said ...he does missionary work... the only places he's prob going only to places that need help.... but when the only stories he keeps telling me are about how he just had to drill another 900ft deep well to get water or how he spent his time running at high speed in jeeps from militant islamic groups that dont want him there and in the process losing his suit case and spending the rest or the time in pants that were contantly draging as he walked (he is only 4' 8" tall) because couldn't get pants that fit... it would lead me to beleve that iran is pretty run down.... but in the end... we all have to realize that not every place in a country is the same..... other wise people will think that all people in the south drive big trucks... all arabs drive rolls... and all canadians drive beat up pontiacs and try to see how fast they can spin the tires on the ice :devil:


OH yea! gas here is 1.49 per gallon.... that should put us back on topic :lol:

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well here in Thief River Falls, MN the price has been the same for about 5 days. TOO MUCH. before that it was a dime less.


89--1.59 ethanol blend


prices are the same for phillips 66, BP, Holiday, and mobil pumps


is the 89 gas ethanol blend all over or just for us in the midwest?



just one of the sites to watch prices go up and up and on occasion down.



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We CAN buy gasoline that's not from Middle East. Why didn't George W. think of this? Gas rationing in the 80's worked even though we grumbled about it. It might even be good for us!


Not to be rude, but Bush RAN for this IDEA when he was running for office. He wanted to also start drilling in Alaska and off the eastern shore if im right (caus i know someone will correct me if im wrong).


A bunch of darn DEMONcrats hated the idea, since it wasnt environmently safe, supposedly.


Also, the places that were listed as not importing gas, the only one ive heard of is Citgo and BP. BP uses Texaco gas now, not their own. Thats where I usually get my gas from (Citgo). Its still JUST AS MUCH! I also dont buy gas from non-name-brand places either. The purity SUCKS, and messed up debs NEW truck once (ran like crap, missfired, etc).


Im not trying to start everytrhing, but you cant blame bush.



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I think it's wrong that he uses 9-11 as an excuse to go after Sadaam he hasn't done a thing and we have not found any weapons either. He has totally fu*ked up the economy just like his daddy and all his plans are gonna do is put the U.S in deppression. He is has got be one of the stupidest people who ever walk the face of the earth, :confused: I hope he gets his ass kicked right the fu#k out of the White House next election :lol:


I bet your a DEMONCRAT.


Bush has not used 9-11 as an excuse!


Sadam has done tons wrong. Remmebnr the Desert Storm? Well, we had Sadam, and he said he wouldnt do a thing, and would calm down, so we spared him. The reason we are after him now is caus we know hes still being a bad little boy.


No, us americans have messed up the economy. Me, YOU, and all others. Bush and his team are working on fixing it.


If he gets kicked out, hope they dont put a damn demoncrat in there!


Lord, this board is about cars, not about how you think YOU Should run the nation.



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In Toronto, when you convert gas from litre's to US gallons, it is about $3.42 per gallon. Remember, one can't factor in exchange rate because this applies to Canadians making Cdn$$$. Now thats high. Imagine what all the SUV owners in the US would do if that was the price in the US, I know I would just cry. :cry: :lol:.

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