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Site upgrade issues


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  • Couldn't reply to topics in this forum, so I had to create a new thread
  • Internal forum links are broken (url structural changes with no backwards compatibility)
  • External links (photobucket etc) show up as BBcode
  • Search broken
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There are many background processes running at the moment that are rebuilding and repairing alot of data right now. It will take some time for everything to be consistent again

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Thanks for working through the issues Luke.  I know it's going to be great when it's stable!  We all appreciate you hosting this site.

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  • 5 years later...
On 7/25/2018 at 9:03 PM, MemphisMan said:

Thanks for working through the issues Luke.  I know it's going to be great when it's stable!  We all appreciate you hosting this site.

Amen to that!

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