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Wanted: Forum Administrator


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I am looking for an administrator to oversee daily operations of the forum. Due to my growing family, house renovations, busy career, and side detailing jobs, I do not have the time to commit to the upkeep and administration of this site any longer. I am not stepping down, and I will retain ownership of the site, but I am seeking someone to run this site, and the TGPForums.com site.


Must have experience with:

  • Invision Power Board software
  • Simple Machines Forum software
  • Cpanel, WHM, and VPS management
  • FTP file transfers
  • Advanced Web design and programming
  • Facebook page/group management
  • Graphics creation/editing


Duties include: (but are certainly not limited to)

  • Daily forum management, staff and member interactions
  • Post moderation as necessary
  • Forum staff management, promoting or demoting members from moderator status
  • Researching new changes or upgrades
  • Troubleshooting software problems as reported by members
  • Organizing data so it is easy for members to find
  • Spam management
  • Responding to members via the forumadmin email account
  • Increasing traffic, and encouraging users to post useful content
  • Reorganizing the forum and it's contents (it's had this same layout for over 15 year)
  • Moderate/approve members for the W-body.com facebook group.
  • Utilize social media to drive content and posts on the forum


This would also include administration of the forum at TGPforums.com, which runs on Simple Machines forum software. It is very low traffic, but needs an administrator to check in on a regular basis. It is possible that forum may be absorbed in to this forum in the future, but only if all the useful data can be archived and kept on the internet.


There is no pay for this position, and there never has been. I have done this since 2005-2006, and have done it because I felt it was a way to give back to a community that helped me immensely with the various W-bodies that I have owned over the years. The community will be yours to manage and work with, but I will still retain final decisions over all changes.


If this is something that you feel you would be qualified to do, please message me so we can talk about things. Let me know your qualifications, show me any sites you've worked on currently or in the past. Tell me about your vision of what W-body.com should be.



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I`d do it but I honestly dont have a clue what any of those bullets are other than FB managment which my motto would be "What book?" but thats not nice to our FB members on this forum. We appriciate everything you`ve done with the forum and I couldnt stand seeing a site owners thread go unreplied.


Is there something us simpletons can do to reduce the workload?

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After reading your list of qualifications and duties, I'm in awe of your altruism towards W community and I'm exhausted from thinking of those behind-the-scenes tasks and the effort you put-in for this site. I have only been member since 12/2016 but I thank you for your work in bringing all of these kind, fun, helpful folks together to share the joys and challenges of these old, funky cars. Who in the world will take on this daunting volunteer position, I can't even imagine.


The way you describe the details makes job sound like all-consuming, full-time job. You may be only one- in-a-million willing to set their lives aside to do all of those things.

Edited by Billyvannuys
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It's not all as daunting as it appears for someone who has some experience. Fortunately, this software is fairly stable and problem free, so it keeps maintenance tasks to a minimum.  But this site should have an admin that is active on the forums and checks up on things regularly. We also need to make a plan to upgrade to their latest forum software release, but there's so many internal changes that it will take a significant amount of planning and testing to make sure all the features we want will be available.

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I`d be willing to learn how to do stuff but I wouldnt know where to start in order to learn these things. Helping out managing a forum couldnt be much harder than managing a retail store and Ive just about learned how to do that in less than a year.

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I`d be willing to learn how to do stuff but I wouldnt know where to start in order to learn these things. Helping out managing a forum couldnt be much harder than managing a retail store and Ive just about learned how to do that in less than a year.


I've stayed quiet on this matter since it's something I'm not so sure about taking on (I tend to disappear and reappear depending on life circumstances. I'd like to be stable before I can say I'd like to step up).


I've made forums before and ran em for a little while. The software stuff isn't that hard. The hardest part really is getting a good userbase that will reliably get the forum to a status where there's always activity. With a forum dedicated to an aging body platform which the surviving cars will be the performance or rare optioned cars (because no one will restore a 3100 Century), the hardest thing would be increasing traffic. I personally think part of our problem is that the 2nd and 3rd gens have legacy names that allowed them to be supported on sites that originally catered to the "rwd" cars.


Managing a forum isn't that hard. The hardest thing is dealing with software bugs or adding on features that were made buggy.


If you really wanted to learn, you could find one of those free hosting servers and play around with free source forum software (like mybb or phpboard).


My first forum was a mybb forum and we had transferred it to vBulletin when my partner had succeeded in establishing a userbase. This of course was much earlier in the decade.

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